
Friday, March 29, 2019

THE Mirchart Of Venice

TASK 2 : Create a character map of people we have meet in the story :
1.Shylock - A Jewish moneylender in Venice. Angered by his mistreatment at the hands of Venice’s Christians, particularly Antonio, Shylock schemes to eke out his revenge by ruthlessly demanding as payment a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Although seen by the rest of the play’s characters as an inhuman monster, Shylock at times diverges from stereotype and reveals himself to be quite human. These contradictions, and his eloquent expressions of hatred, have earned Shylock a place as one of Shakespeare’s most memorable characters.

2.Portia - A wealthy heiress from Belmont. Portia’s beauty is matched only by her intelligence. Bound by a clause in her father’s will that forces her to marry whichever suitor chooses correctly among three caskets, Portia is nonetheless able to marry her true love, Bassanio. Far and away the most clever of the play’s characters, it is Portia, in the disguise of a young law clerk, who saves Antonio from Shylock’s knife.

3.Antonio - The merchant whose love for his friend Bassanio prompts him to sign Shylock’s contract and almost lose his life. Antonio is something of a mercurial figure, often inexplicably melancholy and, as Shylock points out, possessed of an incorrigible dislike of Jews. Nonetheless, Antonio is beloved of his friends and proves merciful to Shylock, albeit with conditions.

4.Bassanio - A gentleman of Venice, and a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio. Bassanio’s love for the wealthy Portia leads him to borrow money from Shylock with Antonio as his guarantor. An ineffectual businessman, Bassanio proves himself a worthy suitor, correctly identifying the casket that contains Portia’s portrait.

5 .Gratiano - A friend of Bassanio’s who accompanies him to Belmont. A coarse and garrulous young man, Gratiano is Shylock’s most vocal and insulting critic during the trial. While Bassanio courts Portia, Gratiano falls in love with and eventually weds Portia’s lady-in-waiting, Nerissa.

The Merchart Of Venice

Open Book on LG G5Vocabulary 
Task :Find the meaning below:

1.Venture : a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
2.Vessel : a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
3. Signior : used as an Italian courtesy title; can be prefixed to the name or used separately.
4.Mortifying : causing great embarrassment or shame.
5. Profound : (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight.
6. Exhortation : an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.
7. Virtuous : having or showing high moral standards.
8. Squandered  : waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Act 1 , Scene 3
1.Shylock is a moneylender . Does he seem eager to do business with Bass arino ? how do you know ?
 No. Because Bassanio, going through Antonio, isn't confident he's able to pay
it back in time, or at all.

2.Which does Shylock think is safe , his business or Antoria's ? Why ?
His business, Antonio doesn't have the money on hand and his boats could sink
at any second .
3. Why doesn't Shylock want to dine with Bassion and Antoria?
Because of their religions. Bassanio and Antonio would most likely have food that
Shylock isn't allowed to eat, due to religion .

4 .What strict principal of his is Antoria breaking to help Bassario ?
Never lend or borrow money on interest.

5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is
blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince
Antonio? Give evidence? No because Antonio basically just burned him!

6.Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness.
How does Antonio answer the chargers?
 Antonio admits and says he has done it once before.

7.How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
He hates hit and thinks that the bond is stupid.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Spiritual Wellbeing

What Is Spiritual Wellbeing About ?
The values and beliefs that determine the way you live. Having purpose  in your life .
What is Values ?Standard of behaviour.

Values Case study -KINDNESS
The link of the video =
1. Why don't more people do this ?
Because some people  are selfish.
2.Why would the world be like if we all this this ?
The world will be a helpful world .
3.Explain the spiritual wellbeing about ?
The values and beliefs that determine the way you live. Having purpose  in your life .
4 . Explain what you did for your RAK ? 
I sent  thank you to my family to being my family. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Act One, Scene One:

  1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest? He's in love and He needs money of married Portia.
  2. Do you think Gratiano’s contributions help Antonio’s mood? Yes
  3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio? l think hes in love .
  4. Is he in love? Yes , he is love was Portia.
5.Why does he need to borrow money again now ? Because he's money is out in the sea and he needs to married Portia Act One, Scene Two

1.How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s?
Because she liked him.
2.What is the reason for her mood? She is in love
3.Do you think Nerissa is a help to her? No because she is not cpnvicting
4.Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia’s attitude to her suitors so far?

          Monday, March 25, 2019

          D/TEC Project

          D/TEC PROJECT

          First we make a our own slides. We needed  to make into 3 part: Home , Term to work in , My blog .In home I should write about myself.In term I maked  in to 4 terms .In blog I maked my link .

           We learned how to play interland  and also after playing we needed  to pick a summary of the game in our sites in term 1 . The interland was about bullying of people and how can we stop it. A summary on interland and the link below : LINK - click here to play
          Defining how is the game to play - it is all about kindness and not to be mean to people online
          keep your password safe don't share info with other people and keep personal info with yourself
          I liked how it is set up and the you move and do everything. 

          We maked a pictchart on ergonomic  :click this
          I think making of it was not easy but it was good of me as a starter .

          MICRO - LINGO
           Also we learn about micro lingo and note on it you can see  the link of the video below  :
          Some refection work on it .
          1.Questions what was your biggest takeaway from this video?
          The biggest takeaway was that people trying to learn a different  languages
          How to improve your communication skills by speaking better english
          You can do this by getting  :
          repetition,media, Dictionary,internet, books, sticky notes, Diary.
          You Could also find something else .
          And also Don’t mistake news report for normal conversational emotion.
          Some websites offer daily, short english lesson sent to your email or your phone.
          Don’t be afraid to find an easier level text to learn from at first.

          Try listening to talk radio news. Some news reports are fake so make sure it is
          real before telling someone about only unless your asking them about it .
          It was hard because the video was not on the site

          It learn how to be safe and smart in this environment.

          *How do you think of my work ?