
Thursday, October 31, 2019

English Comprehension

English Comprehension
2.b)the beads
3.a)Example B
4.a)Example A
5.b)introduce the topic
6.c)raining glue to the mixture
7.a)break the newspaper down into a workable form.
8.b)smooth the surface
12. a)personally pleasing

Coral 2
2.a)not awake
3.a)the color of its fur
4.b)paragraphs 1
5.c)the yellow eyes blinked
6.a)liked cats and cat image
8.b)sleep with the light on
9.a)was;t so sure anymore if there were ghosts or not
10.a)a girl who loves cats
11.b)hid under the cover
14.b)grace and the writer

Social Studies

What is the sustainability issue?
a. Overuse of plastic.

What causes the issue?
a. Too much packaging and plastic cups etc.

What is being done to solve the issue?
a. No more plastic bags.

What else needs to be done to improve the issue?
a. Plastic should be ban and it should also be illegal. 

Pr1: sustainability issues include a fast-expanding and resource-hungry human population, fossil-fuel burning that accelerates global warming, the imminent peak in cheap oil production (when total demand exceeds easily-affordable supply) and persistent pollutant chemicals and plastics being spread globally in air and oceans. Humans are displacing other life on the planet, speeding the extinction of many species, including here in New Zealand.


Give up plastic bags. Take your own reusable ones to the store. Skip straws. Unless you have medical needs, and even then you could use paper ones. Pass up plastic bottles. Invest in a refillable water bottle,. Avoid plastic packaging. Buy bar soap instead of liquid.
Use the 3Rs. Don't litter.

Plastic should be ban and it should also be illegal. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

English comprehension

English Comprehension 
Magenta 6
1. b) confident 
2. c)His dad's GPS
3. b)listening to music on his iPod.
4.b) respond to kids who bully
5.a)in a different class
6.c)one list subject he is familiar with and the other list those he has never heard of.
7.b)he dislikes homework and is often late handing it in.  
8.c)the other student 
9.a)bigger kids.
10.c)he is referring to the saying 'small fish in a big pond'.
11.a)high school is a mystery and an adventure

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Social Studies

Reflection on The balloon
1. What is happened to your earth ?It got bigger and bigger
2.Why did this happen? Because my group kept choosing one side of the answer
3. What Could We Do To Stop That From Happening? To cut down and think about what we are doing.
4. What Is One Thing We Could Do To Change Our Behaviour? To actually care about the stuff we buy, make and use.

Social Studies

Fire in The Sky city in Auckland . The fire burning at the SkyCity Convention Centre in Auckland on Wednesday evening.The roof of the Sky City convention centre has partially collapsed after a night where flames had again flared up.Four firefighters armed with heavy power tools, are working to remove sections of the scorched facade at the centre of the tiered roof.The crew had hacked away more than a dozen sections of the
structure.Meanwhile, the two snorkel fire trucks which had been blasting water onto the fire all night have been lowered. Flames are still visible on the edge of the roof near the corner of Nelson St and Wellesley St West but it appears the operation is finally moving into the mopping up stage.Fire and Emergency NZ will hold a media briefing at 10 am but has declined to comment before then. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Studies

Social Studies

What is sustainability  ? the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Environmental sustainability is the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. If they cannot be continued indefinitely then they are not sustainable. 

Sustainability supports that mission by striving to improve the environmental health and quality of life for our campus and community. Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Essay Plan

Essay Plan 
QuestionDescribe at least one way that a character or individual changed in the text?
Intro- Author, Movie name, thesis
Paragraphs 1 - Lighting/Colour
Paragraphs 2-Personality
Paragraphs 3- The Physical/ Characteristics
Conclusion -  Link

Intro=author-Henry selick
        = Movie name- Coraline
        =Thesis - Describe at least one way that a character or individual changed in the text?

Paragraphs 1 =Lighting/Colour-  Difference between the two worlds lighting.  The real world lighting has natural lighting also the other world has artificial lighting.

Paragraphs 2 = Personality-Difference looks between the real mother and the other mother. the real mother has normal clothes on and are not suspicious, the other mother wears very artificial clothes and is very pointy.

Paragraphs 3 = The Physical/ Characteristics-

Conclusion = Link

Intro> Author,movie name
Thesis- your argument.
your outline.
1st idea>strongest idea
S-statement- colour/lighting
E-Evidence light, bright, warm and colourful at the start of the film, in the end, it is dark and cold and not nice to live in
E-Explanation-how does this make you feel safe at home not wanting to live their - 3 words
E-Explain The director did this to show Coraline the there would is safe and cool but then at the end, it is not safe.
E-Explain combined with this colour with at the start the, colour is bright warm, light and colourful and at the end, it goes dark and cold because she ternd evil and trade to cach Coraline.
L-Link-them-looks can be deceiving. with the light starting to change in the film, you start to know the other mother is evil, bad and not a nice person.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Workshop Essay

Workshop Essay 

1. Describe at least one way that a character or individual changed in the text?
-The other mother
-In the beginning -Shes nice , happy , bright, dressed nice, button eyes (symbol) shes looks like the real the mother but perfect . Wears apron, turtle neck shirt , long pants, short and round , curvy , Feel-safe, happy, cosy, welcoming. Lighting/Colour-warm,safe, artificial ,bright , warm, orange/reds/yellow.
-At the end -scary, grumpy, vicious, malicious, vile, malevolent, skinless, metal bones, needles for finger , skeletal, rags, bug like,happens gradually-taller,Skinner, more sharp edges(head and elbow) Feel-frightened, scared, unsafe, betrayed, Lighting/Colour-dark, cold, artificial, neon green and purple -tells us that their is no way this other mother belongs in the real world.

write a paragraph = Lighting/Colour, Personality , The Physical/ Characteristics, Costume,

2. Explain how this change was important to the text as a whole?
-Looks can deceiving-don't trust/believe what something looks like or appears to be.

Hypothesis-your guess
Thesis-your argument

The Other Mother changed
Henry Se lick
Looks can decieving

'Looks can be deceiving' is a theme shown by the other mother in HenrySelick film Coraline.

Coraline, a children's horror film directed by Henry Selick , shows the theme of 'looks can be deceviing 'through the change of the character 'The Other Mother'

Henry Selick , director of the film Coraline , shows the theme of 'looks can be decieving ' through the changes of the character 'The Other Mother'.

The Other Mother

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Coraline Film study 

Explain the purpose of camera angles, movements and shots ? The camera angle marks the specific location at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot. Camera movement It is alters the relationship between the subject and the camera frame, shaping the viewer's perspective of space and time and controlling the delivery of narrative information.The camera angle marks the specific location at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

English = theme

look can deceiving- looks can deceiving  it means when you think that person is just a normal but it in real that's different.

*In coraline film , the doll is the first unknown item. For Coraline the doll looks like a normal play doll but in reality it's not a play doll it's a spy from the other mother. The other mother made the doll of coraline to come to her. The doll let Coraline to the Secret Door and in to the other mother's world.

*The other mother looks like coraline's real mother . In coraline , the other mother change from the real mother to a needles spider women in every scene. At the start of the film the other mother appears short,curvey and wearing the same clothes as Coraline real mother. it makes Coraline feel mysterious and scared. However the other mother changes slowly throughout the film until she finally becomes a skeletal, metal spider who wants to trap Coraline in the other world. The director shows that the other mother was not who she really appeared to be .