In Business Studies we have split into groups to work on a project, the project is to make a product and sell it on market day.
Group: Matthew, Subhnesh, Dylan and me (Cole).
Our product is called Fortnite N Drinks. Our idea is to bring a console into school with controllers, chargers and games. We will also bring drinks for the people that are playing. We will give each person around twenty minutes for a turn unless they die.

We carried out our survey on 19 students of HHS. Our target was 75% to say yes, 20% to say no and 5% to say I hate it. 10 people said yes and two people said no however 7 students said to hate it, it’s trash.

We carried out our survey on 20 students of HHS. Our target was 15 people to say yes and 5 to no. 11 people said yes and 9 people said no.

We carried out our survey on 20 students of HHS. Our target for the more people to rate it should be the between 5 to 10. We had 5 people for rate 1, 0 people for rate 2, 1 person for rate 3, 2 persons for rate 4, 2 persons for rate 5, 1 person for rate 6, 6 people of rate 7, 0 people for rate 8, 2 people for rate 10.

We carried out our survey on 14 students of HHS. Our target for the pays was $2.50 because it was cheap.92.9% 0f the 19 people have said $2.50 however 7.1% of the 19 people said $4.00.

We carried out our survey on 18 students of HHS. We have no target for it. 7 peoples said yes and 4 said no and 7 said maybe.