Creating the illusion of the other mother
physical - real mum, short, curved hips
costume -long sleeves, pant, little skin , warm , cosy comfortable , showing , mum clothes.
lighting -artificial , warm , orange
feel- safe , happy , relaxed
director- shows that coraline feel at home.
physical - short, curves,
costume -long pant, sleeves, black/red/white
lighting -warm, artificial , orange
feel-safe , happy , relaxed
director-shows the other mother is slowly changes
physical -way more pointy elbow, neck , head
costume -grey, better fit , tighter, beetle shell shape on the back , shows more skin
lighting -artificial , darker
feel-sketchy, untrustworthy, off,
director- shows the audience that something is wrong with the other mother
physical-pointy elbow, head, long neck , skin and bone, much taller
costume-dark black and red, more bug like
lighting -artificial , warm , orange
feel-unsafe, scared, uncomfortable,intimidating
director- shows us that the other mother isn't prefect like she thought
physical- no skin, metal skeleton, needle fingers, extra legs, looks like a giant metal spider
costume-dark, rags, ripped and dirty
lighting - artificial, dark, green
feel- evil, grotesque, terrified/horrified
director- grabs attention, shows other mother is evil and wants to steal her soul.
-courage and bravely
-Looks can deceiving
(S)The theme of look can be deceiving is shown through the gradual change of the other mother from a honey sweet woman to a vinegar sour metal spider.(E) At the start of the film the other mother appears short, curvy and wearing the same clothes as coraline real mother. (X) This makes the audience feel safe , happy and relaxed toward the other mother. (X) The director did this to show us that coraline feels at home with the other mother in the other world.However, the other mother changes slowly throughout the film until she finally becomes a skeletal, metal spider who wants to trap coraline in her other world .(X) When we first see the other mother she is ni warmorange light that makes her feel safe, but by the end she is surrounded by dark and green light which makes her seem evil , grotesque and horriying .(X)Selick shows these changes to help
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