
Monday, June 21, 2021


 Lord of the Rings

The Black Rider


-4 Hobbits are hiding under a tree from the Black Rider. They are afraid - see on their faces. 


- Colour- Plaette- green,black,grey,dark,nature/natural, dull.

                              - Feels cold and uninviting.

Camera: Shots/Focus/Movement/Angles

- Tilt shot- from the rider to the hiding hobbits.

 -Close-ups- Hobbit faces- scared, nervous, bugs -crawling across the hobbits, shows how difficult it was to keep still and quiet.

                  -Three close-ups on parts of the rider- the horse hooves pawing the ground, the horse muzzle/bridal with red-eye, and the rider's feet hitting the ground. Builds suspense before we see the rider.

-Low angle - looking up at the rider, shows hobbits cowering below, make the rider look bigger, intimidating, and frightening.

-Sound - Diegetic sounds- horse hooves approaching, bugs crawling, birds, movement of the rider armour, the sound of his breathing. 

             -Little sounds are magnified when we are afraid.

-Lighting- natural, dim, cold - makes it feels cold and uninviting.

Sexxy Paragraph

Statment- In the 'Black Rider' Scene close up are used to show the fear of the characters as they hide. 

Example- The four hobbits are running from the Black Rider. They seek refuge under the roots of an old tree as the rider approaches. Close-ups show us the expressions of fear on the hobbits faces.

X-Audience- This makes the audience feel intimidated and anxious with the hobbits as the unseen enemy arrives.

X- Director- The purpose of this is to build suspense before we see the rider. Like the characters, we are afraid even though we don't know what is coming.

X-Link technique- Combined with close-ups is the use of diegetic sounds including the horse hooves on the ground, the breathing of the rider and the clinking of his armour as he dismounted. These sounds add to the feeling of fear we have seen through the close-up shots.

Y-Your real-world connection- Interestingly, mast viewer has felt the fear of being chased and found before. This allows them to connect with the emotions of the characters at this moment.

Thursday, June 17, 2021



-A fox wants to buy a jumbo pop from the elephant store but they won't sell it to him.

-The bunny officer steps in to help.


    -colour- bright- heartening scene, aimed at children so is colourful and engaging

    -Lighting- warm, natural, bright- daytimes, hot sunny day, fox/bunny spotlighting.

    -Camera- ( shots/angle/focus/ movement)- High/low angle- the elephant is taller, feels bigger, superior, we aren't meant to like the elephant because he wants to scene them- rough angry tone, a low angle from Fox POV and high angle onto fox make him look small.

Statements- In the 'Popsical' scene, high angle shots are used to show the imbalance of power between characters.

Evidence-We sees this when the elephant is talking to the fox. The low angle shot is used to show how much bigger and more imposing the elephant is than the fox.

X-Audience- This makes the audience feel sad for the fox because he is being refused service because of his size.

X-Director- The purpose of this is to introduce the ideas of stereotyping to the viewer. Appearing large and rough, the elephant shopkeeper refuses service because he is a fox. Strengthening this idea is the elephant quote ' go back to your side of town.

X-Other techniques- Combined with the use of high shots, we see the differences in the characters rather than the similarities. The high angle point of view makes the fox seem even smaller than the elephants towering over him.

L-Realworld link- Issues like this where people are judged on their size, race or religion are not isolated to this film. In the real world, we tackle ongoing issues of discrimination in every country, even in 2021.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

 Avatar Film

Brainstorm: -The two were talking. She told him to go away because he didn't belong.

                    -The seeds of the sacred tree choose him.


                   - lighting- artificial, bright, and dim- plants/ things they touched were bright, the background was dim, cold

                   -Colour- palette- neons- blue/green.purple

                                            -extremes, shows us we are someplace different/ exciting.

                   -Camera- Shots, angle, movement and focus

                                  -Tilt shot used to show the seeds- POV shot of Jake, exciting/ magical.

                                  - Conversation- mid-shot, show bodies- shows the distance between the characters.

                                  - Close up on seeds, shows ethereal movement, otherworldly. 

Statement: In the scene 'seeds of the sacred tree' lighting is effectively used to create the otherworldly experience of Pandora.

Evidence: An artificial bright light is seen as the figures run and touch things in the environment. The rest of their surrounding remain dark against these flashes of cold neon light.

X-audience- This makes the audience feel amazed and envious of the unnatural and unearthly qualities of the planet.

X-director- The director did this to make the viewer feel like they have been transported to another world where new and exciting things are possible.

X-other techniques- coinciding with this is the use of a neon colour palette. The blues, greens and purples become vibrant and otherworldly when combined with the artificially bright lights caused by movement.

Y-Your link- real-world- The lighting and colour are juxtaposed to that which we experience in the real world. Like earth, it has trees, plants and native people but they have seen vastly different from us because of the bright artificial/ neon lighting and colours

Monday, June 14, 2021


 Foggy Blog Day

Dear Readers,

Today’s Blog is about Maths, something I’ve been working on in class this week.

Information I studied included learning about the Pythagoras theorem and facts about triangles.  Pythagoras theorem is a theorem in geometry: the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. Triangle facts, If you know two of the angles in a triangle, you can always figure out the third because they must add up to 180 degrees. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is always longer than the third side. The triangle and two is a type of defense used in basketball.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Freedom Writer

 Tolerance means the ability to put up with others' beliefs, altitude, and culture, even when you don't agree/it's different from your own.

Overcoming Adversity- pushing through something difficult or dangerous.

I am a Home Scene

Brainstorm- a student read his diary to the teacher and the class

                   -his family has been evicted

                   -he feels at home at school in Ms. Grawells class

                   -Overcoming adversity- he has come to school despite being evicted

Music-slow, soft, and shot

 (Color ) 

Lighting- bright, natural- create an atmosphere of a warm, happy, welcome space.

(Shot/  Movement/ Angle/ Focus)

Camera- Close up when says he's home- shows the audience his emotion

               -Dolly shot- from close up to mid-back to close up- shows the viewer that the student is surrounded, supported by his classroom family.

               -Shallow Focus- the speaker is sharp, theses around are blurred to make him the focus, most important.

Dialogue, tone of speech, body language


In the 'I am home' scene shallow focus is used to show how these characters overcome adversity. A  student read his diary to the teacher and the class. As he stands and reads from the book, the shallow focus is used to blur out his classmates, it helps indicate he is important in this scene.

Ms. Giep Scene 

Brainstorm- Miep. Gies has come to talk to the class about hiding Anne Frank and her family.

                    -Marcus stands and tells her that she's his hero.

                    -Miep says that they are her heroes.

(Shot/  Movement/ Angle/ Focus)

Camera - Pan Shot- used to shows all the students are there and they are all focused and listening- not distracted like the previous scene.

              -Tracking mid-shot- Marcus when he speaks


                -Lighting - bright, light natural- Backlit- create a halo effect making her has seen angelic or god-like. This works because the students see Miep like a god because she saved the franks.

Music- subtle quiet, builds in volume and intensity, used to heighten the viewer's emotions. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021


Close up- students, the director wants us to empathize with them, see it from their perspective.

MId shot- on teacher- shows the divide between them.

Shallow focus props

Dialogue- Eva- close up- Shallow focus 

In the Holocaust scene, close up are used to show the emotion of the characters. We see this scene with Eva yelling at her teacher. For example, Eva her about how her friend was shot because he put in his pocket.


Deep Focus

-Everything in the image is sharp and clear. 

Close up shot

Costume- hat   - a symbol of hiding

                        -off shows feels safe

                        -on-wants hide, not be seen

Shallow Focus

- Focus us on part of an image and blurs the great 

-Tells the viewer where their attention is needed.

In the Holocaust scene, the shallow focus is used to show the theme of tolerance. For instance, we see a picture being passed around the room until it reaches JAMEL. The picture is a stereotype of an African American with big lips and has Jamel's name on it. As he receives it, Jamel puts his hat back on and shrinks into his chair. Shadow focus is used to bring our attention to the picture and its effect on Jamel. This makes us understand that the picture was used to bully and embarrass Jamel. The direction did this to help us empathize with the characters and gain an insight into what their lives are like. Coinciding with this is the use of costume- in this case, Jamel hat. When Jamel puts the hat on, it symbolizes that he wants to hide away and not be seen. This scene introduces the viewer to their tolerance because we can see that currently, the students do not respect each other's cultures, beliefs, or identities. Understandably makes students like Jamel feel unsafe in class.


Angle-high/low-shows power/dominance

Lighting- dim/bright - shows emotion e.g Jamel overwhelmed 

Close up/ Mid shots-  teacher in mid-shot

                                -students  close up

                                -we feel the distance between the students and the teacher, gap in understanding.