
Monday, May 6, 2019

the Merchant Of Venice

Act Three, Scene Four
1. Finish this quote that shows Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? ‘But if you knew of whom you show this honour , how true a gentlemen you send relief(Black Pg. 131, Blue Pg.78)

2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? (Black Pg. 133, Blue Pg.79) ? She is going to a monastery to pray for his husband for a month.

3. What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?She asks that if Lorenzo and Jessica can manage the house until Bassanio comes back.

4. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men? Because they are best friends and best friends must have lots of things in common to be that close.

5. Finish this quote which shows how Portia describes the behaviour and attitudes of young men. ‘Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, how honourable ladies fell sick and denying(Black Pg. 13-, Blue Pg.81)

6. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected  behaviour of a wife?No because she is willing to help out her husband and friends herself rather than Bassanio helping himself like what would be expected of him.

Act Three, Scene Five
1.In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against
the conversion of Jews to Christianity? Jew's does not eat pork.

2.What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia? Jessica thinks bassino is really for
tunate in marrying portia.

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